When your web hosting company offers live chat support, you can talk to a representative live and find out useful info or get an issue resolved timely. The advantage of using chat as an alternative to calling to talk with a live person is that you will need just a computer with world wide web access, which means that you will not pay any charges when you're in a different country or state. What's more, it'll be simpler to copy and paste information such as domain names, usernames or error messages i.e. details that are sometimes hard to give to the other side over the phone. The live chat is also a faster way to contact your website hosting supplier's support crew as compared to using a ticketing system. What's more, in the event that some trouble requires some more time to be resolved, you are able to do something different while you wait for support on the live chat, therefore you will not waste time - something that is not possible when you're on the phone.
Live Chat Support in Shared Hosting
As we consider the fact that numerous problems are quickly resolved when you speak to a live person, we provide a live chat service for all our prospective and current clients. The chat is accessible every day and our customer care agents can assist you with a number of questions and problems. If you aren't our client yet, you'll be able to learn more about our shared hosting packages and the website hosting environment in general so that you can make sure that your websites will work properly on our servers. If you already have an account and you have some questions or you have any problems with any of our services, you will be able to join us on our live chat and we will provide you with the necessary info or assist you to troubleshoot the problem. You will need to open a trouble ticket for certain troubles which need longer time or the expertise of a sysadmin, but for the majority of standard issues you will get help on the spot.
Live Chat Support in Semi-dedicated Servers
We provide live chat support as part of our services, so that any time you have any kind of questions regarding our Linux semi-dedicated servers, you're able to get in touch with our customer support team anytime regardless of whether you've already acquired an account or not. Generally, the chat service is intended for pre-sales, billing and common questions and issues, yet we are able to help you with quite a lot of tech questions as well. We can help you pick the ideal plan for your web sites in case you don't have an account yet, we can respond to any kind of billing questions or concerns you could have or we can help you with setting up your new e-mail address on your computer or smartphone - all the aforementioned will be done promptly because our live chat service is available all the time, each and every day. No matter when you need support, you can speak to a representative and save a lot of time.